True Stereotype:
The stereotypes I found to be true were that it is expensive. Goodness, I am still determining where my money goes these days. Coming from the Midwest, an excellent meal was $12; here, it’s about $20. Don’t get me started on housing. One room in a three-bedroom apartment in Venice is about $1,000. I had a one-bedroom apartment in Michigan (900 square feet) for $1,000. I’m still getting used to the prices, but if I can make it here, I’m sure I can make it anywhere.
False Stereotype:
Stereotypes I’ve debunked are probably about the people. While there are a lot of aspiring actors, models, singers, etc., who are focused on growing their social status, there are also people who don’t have any social media here at all.
When talking to people who have lived here for 6+ years, one thing they say in common is that everybody is fake, but they’re projecting. It’s all about who you surround yourself with and the energy you give out of the energy you receive.